Brand overview

Our client came to us looking for a way to scale their business. They had been operating an Apparel brand on Amazon (confidential) for over 2 years, selling over 500 products and different variations, yet were unable to scale any further. Sales were stuck at roughly $6000 GBP a day.

Clients problems

PPC- seller was not running optimized campaigns and the ones in use were not niche-targeted; more focused on a wider range of apparel, which were competitive keywords. This resulted in a much higher ACOS around 30-35%. They were also not utilizing PPC campaigns to their full potential as most of sales were through organic methods.

CTR rate- At least half of their listings had a CTR below 30%, a major reason as to why they had an inability to scale. This was due to not targeting a specific niche in their category and having lack luster
Main images, the bread and butter of having successful products.

Lack of visibility for products- client had an issue where many products were being lost in the Amazon search and not SEO optimized. Over half of their sales were for only about 35% of the products they sold.

Our Strategic Implementations

⁃   Advertisement
⁃   Search Engine Optimization 
⁃   Inventory management 
⁃   Photography and A+ Content
⁃   Troubleshooting and Logistics

Our Approach

1.  Targeting long-tail advertising keywords- seller was running little to no advertising as primary sale generation was through organic sales. The ad campaigns that were running were not fully optimized, with a low CTR rate, indicating they were targeting the wrong audience. We identified their ideal market through keyword research and started running various long-tail keywords with low PPC cost. We monitored the keywords performing really well and built off those. Each SKU had various campaigns we tried and tested to figure out which ones were converting the best.

2.  Running optimized Sponsored Brand campaigns- Our client had created a reputable and identifiable brand on Amazon, but had not been taking advantage of it. Their catalogue had products that their ideal customer would purchase together, but we needed to create that visibility for them to see that. By targeting sponsored brand campaigns we wanted to display all our products in one to our ideal customer, so they could choose what they liked from our catalogue, instead of being very selective.

3.  Improve Catalog management through parentages- This goes hand in hand with running optimized Sponsored Brand Campaigns. Our client had over 300 product variations resulting in too many SKUS being used separately. We identified very few parentages associated through all ASINS. Many of their products could be placed under the same ASINS, which would bring increased impressions on the products lacking in sales. By better organizing variations into ASINS they fit in we were able to increase visibility of all products that were hidden in suppressed listings. We Combined this with running Sponsored Brand Campaigns in order to get more impressions for the catalogue itself.

4.  Optimizing listings- The idea was to identify ASINS with main images converting the best CTR rate. We then identified the ASINS generating the least sales and CTR rate. We improved upon those images via photoshop. Once improved we wanted to incorporate those weaker performing ASINS in our A+ content for our best selling products. We wanted to get as much awareness and visibility for the products lacking in sales through showing them in our photography for our higher selling products, while also having new and improved main images.  We did this by using as much horizontal real estate on our best selling product pages to generate more sales for other products.


⁃   an increase in average order value of over 30%, which continues to grow today. This is a result of greater organic growth in their specific market which wasn’t being target properly prior.
⁃   Larger market share through successful advertising, which in turn has resulted in a 50% increase in organic sales.
⁃   ACOS has went from an average  of 36% for only a few campaigns to now around a 22% average for about    300(!) different campaigns; once again this is done through targeting the correct market and bidding on lower CPC keywords with higher volume.
⁃   Sales for lower-generating ASINS have increased by almost 30% through tactics used. This is done By implementing improved main images and using our best selling ASINS to boost these sales. CTR rate has improved to about 40%.
⁃   Account in a span of over a year has scaled from approximately $6000 Pounds in a day to now over $11000 Pounds a day, and on track to do over $3.5 millions Pounds annually. Holiday season has seen over a 50% increase in sales, with days generating over 20k sales.

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